About our agency

Our Valuable Clients

TEDevelopers {/TEDs} is an inbound web developing, assessment and streamlining organization with office in Florida, USA & Cairo, Egypt. We help organizations decisively track their developing outcomes and get more leads and deals from the web. In case you have a business, have yearning development objectives, and are scanning for an eminent accessory to help you quantifiable improve your promoting execution and get more leads and arrangements from the web, you've gone to the right spot.

Our Mission

At TEDevelopers {/TEDs}, we have a solitary target: Help business entrepreneurs and promoting heads use development and the Internet to quantifiable improve their exhibiting execution and ROI. This starts by unequivocally following every single publicizing strategy – paying little respect to whether your lone system is your organization site. Following will give you at no other time seen bits of information about your business and will change the way where you look at publicizing and exhibiting until the part of the bargain. The data got from following and the bits of information given by TEDevelopers {/TEDs} will empower you to discard inadequate publicizing strategies and to quickly perceive new promoting frameworks that can empower you to cost reasonably build up your business. You'll moreover watch opportunities to get more yield from frameworks you starting at now have – like your site. TEDevelopers {/TEDs} has helped many organization s twofold, triple and even fourfold their site's visit-to-lead change rates. Regardless, precise estimation and following (promoting investigation) is the foundation and the underlying move towards improving your publicizing – and innovation is driving continued with development in how much detail can be revealed about your business.

Industries We Serve

Yet practically any kind of business can utilize the Internet as a solution and developing mechanical assembly and preferred position from accurate commercial after and exhibiting estimation, business-to-customer organization type organizations seem to benefit the most. Starting at now, our clients begin from essentially every B2C organization industry – from clean essentialness and daylight based sheets to material organization's and HVAC. We have different separated water transport organization s and a couple of broad channels organizations. If you put assets into publicizing OR have a site, TEDevelopers {/TEDs} can almost certainly help you quantifiable addition your execution. The execution constructs we produce constantly outperform the enthusiasm for our organization. Examine our displaying streamlining on the web diary or take a gander at our promoting development logical examinations to discover extra.

What We Hope You'll Take Away From Our Website

In the event that you just remove a single thing from our site, make it this – you can (drastically) improve your publicizing and promoting execution by more precisely following every single framework you use – paying little respect to whether your solitary is your site. When addressing entrepreneurs and imminent clients, it's fundamental to hear them reveal to us that they starting at now track everything by asking their anticipated clients the shocking "How might you find out about us?" question.The issue with this technique is that the responses are off course, most ideal situation, and more often than not, absolute deceiving. Trust it – in light of the way that we've tailed it and found that a similar number of as half of the responses to that question are fundamentally false or exact. If you expel only two things from visiting our webpage, make the second evacuate the essential reality that you should do whatever you can to manufacture your organization's detectable quality on web lists, for instance, Google. It looks like the prepackaged game Monopoly. Visit Google and enter a catchphrase or watchword express that you figure someone would use to find a business in your industry. In case you don't see your business some place around numerous occasions on the chief page, you are losing potential customers to your rivals. That's it in a nutshell. The Internet is possibly the most prevailing and monetarily sharp bargains and elevating device accessible to you. Be that as it may, couple of little and medium estimated entrepreneurs are utilizing it less all potential limitations degree possible. consistently we see company's treating their website and their Internet exhibiting system as a touch of knowing the past – and it's definitely not hard to see any motivation behind why since this bold present day way of life is quickly progressing similar to publicizing choices and all in all multifaceted nature. In addition, if you expel three things from visiting our site, consider this. What sum would it cost you to bring locally accessible full time worker – with demonstrated internet promoting and examination mastery – to execute and manage your beginning and end of your displaying estimation tries, online publicizing projects and webpage? Regardless of anything else, may you have the option to attempt to locate that person? Whatever degree would that look take? What exactly degree would it take to get that person up to speed? What exactly degree would it take before you could even tell if the individual being referred to was "the one"? With favorable circumstances, you'd look in any event $8,000 – $10,000 consistently and this excludes any of the development or gadgets or pay-per-click spending plan or SEO spending that would be required to truly achieve top execution.

TEDevelopers {/TEDs} Sales Pitch

Our attempt to close the deal is straightforward: We promote your business as if it were our business. We give a "do-it-for-me" organization that will, without question, quantifiably improve your general adverstising ROI. We start by following every single promoting procedure you use – paying little heed to whether your solitary publicizing strategies are your site and referrals. Exact after is the foundation of all that we do. Through after, we quickly begin to grasp your expert you do – from a proprietors perspective. Our following procedure reveals at no other time seen bits of learning about your business and your promoting. We use these bits of learning, united with our web displaying and webpage improvement inclination, to dispense with ineffectual promoting methodologies, drive progressively qualified visitors to your website and convert more visitors into leads and deals. We do most of this – essentially transforming into your surrogate VP of promoting– for not actually the cost of a solitary section level specialist!

Requirement Gathering

Multifarious tasks required the gathering of requirements which is our first-ever step in the development of the product.

UI/UX Design

We make the digital structure with the help of most recent trends which simultaneously lure the eyes.


In the wake of the structuring, the model of your product is prepared now which is sent to test the concept.

App Development

The development of your product begins on the best stages along with complete innovative and straight ideas.

Quality Assurance

We do take care of the quality of the product. We make sure everything before the deployment of the product.


Your product is conjointly ready to take its place and make itself available on the application store for users.

Support & Maintenance

We always make ourselves available and keep in the loop in order to provide product updates and support.

What makes us better than the competition?

Calculated creativity.

Calculated creativity. Most content creation teams don’t understand the scientific process required to create content that resonates with your audience and generates results. We don’t take chances with your dollar. We create data-led digital content that’s easy to find on the web and that helps our clients make money.
The Egyptian Developers Competition 1
The Egyptian Developers Competition 2

The best and brightest creative minds in content marketing.

Through access to the latest and greatest digital marketing technology, and through triumphs of craft that even we can’t fully explain, our people repeatedly turn marketing insights into on-demand, high-value content.
And unlike competitors, we don’t outsource work or create cheap, clickbait content. We’ve spent over a decade seeking out the best and brightest creative minds in the content marketing industry.
We hold our work to the highest standards because your customers and prospects deserve the best content on the web. It’s the only way to rank.

Highly scalable, global workflows.

From Fortune 500 to family shops; Sydney to San Francisco; Alexandria to Aswan, we partner with enterprises, SMBs, startups, scale-ups and nonprofits all over the world.
No project is too small or too large for us.
As a client of ours once opined, “You could line up at TEDseloper’s doorstep and ask them to help you out, and I’m pretty sure they’d build a complete city for you.”
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The Egyptian Developers Competition 3

The in-house SME to write for any industry, including yours.

Our creative and consulting teams have years of experience creating and distributing content for B2B and B2C brands across a wide range of verticals.
Where competitors might shy away, we embrace the challenge of making the biggest impact with even the most technically complex and niche industries.
We know that every industry is unique and requires a nuanced approach.
Let us showcase your thought leadership.
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